Our viennoiserie is not available from September 04th - 13th. For this reason, shorter opening times in Linienstrasse 54 and Sophienstrasse 5. Please check Google maps to see the hours. Thank you !

Pistazien-Himbeer Éclair
Blaubeer-Zitronen Éclair
Salziges Karamell Éclair
Tiramisu Éclair
Schokolade Cacao Nibs Éclair
Tahiti Vanille Pekannuss Éclair
Erdbeer-Yuzu Éclair
Exotic cheesecake Éclair
Weißeschokolade - Passionsfrucht Éclair
Matcha-Brombeer-Sesam Eclair
Bergamotte-Olivenöl-Basilikum Eclair